Custom Trays

Custom Plastic Trays

We are your go-to custom plastic tray manufacturer and packaging engineers! Rimco Plastics offers a large selection of small parts trays including clear plastic trays. If you don’t see one that fits from our in-house plastic trays, we have the capabilities to build custom trays with prototyping, machining & tooling, and thermoforming.

Have a specific use in mind? We’ve helped many industries with custom tray solutions. Please get a quote and we can get started!

Design, Engineering, and Tooling Services

Rimco Plastics engineers excel at designing thermoformed plastic products that meet customer specifications and bring a product to production. With comprehensive engineering capabilities in-house, our customers are able to explore part design options while still meeting time-to-market deadlines.



Used to evaluate a new design to enhance precision

Machining and Tooling

Machining and Tooling

The manufacturing components and machines needed for production



Plastic is heated to a pliable forming temperature and made to shape

Plastic Tray Special Features

Does your tray require special features to be stacked on a rack, or finger grooves to pickup items, or numbered cavities to correspond with instructions? Our capabilities allow us to deliver the best plastic tray possible for the job. See more unique tray features.

Finger Grooves

Finger Grooves



